Sunday, March 12, 2006

Fuego de la Vida - Fire of Life

I'll be posting more photos of the stuff I did in Spain... Here is a photo of FUEGO DE LA VIDA, a piece I was commissioned to do for the founder of I felt quite honored as I did my own rendition of don Quijote and showed how Spain had an impact on me. When I was there, everyday was filled with so much fire for life. Even Mondays were exciting, but weekends were just the best. I was filled with energy and passion in all I did, I was myself more than ever. My heart aches when I look at this piece and remember the underlying stories that helped me create this.

This painting was inspired not only by the story of don Quijote, but also by the company itself. Since the company started, it has brought thousands of people from all over the world to the adventural mosaic of Spain.

The fiery red hues represent the passionate life which exists in Spain. The calming yellow tones reflect how Spaniards enjoy things to the fullest, like having coffee with a friend and forgetting all worries.

As an artist, I was exposed to the beauty of living in a place as mesmerizing as Salamanca. Every day in Spain brings something new, just the same way this painting can.