Silent Glory Group Show at the Marilyn Mylrea Gallery
Silent Glory group show at the Marilyn Mylrea Gallery, 2341 South Granville Street, from November 7, 2006 to January 7, 2006.
A contemporary group exhibition featuring Marilyn Mylrea, Librado Lee Anonuevo, Robert Jess Marshall, Susan Falk, Royden Josephson, Corlyn Cierman, Rhonda Thurn, Kurt Stachow and Tini Meyer.
Images shown below: LIMN, Oil on Canvas, 4' x 6' (triptych)
A contemporary group exhibition featuring Marilyn Mylrea, Librado Lee Anonuevo, Robert Jess Marshall, Susan Falk, Royden Josephson, Corlyn Cierman, Rhonda Thurn, Kurt Stachow and Tini Meyer.
Images shown below: LIMN, Oil on Canvas, 4' x 6' (triptych)

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